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At Kua, we believe that when we take care of people, they in turn take care of you and pay it forward to the society at large. That is why social responsibility is important to us.

 It is this belief that has led to us currently housing about 50% of our staff. We do what we can to ensure that they are well-taken care of and paid sustainable wages.

 We love that the work we do connects us with so many hardworking market women and youth in society. Buying from these women, who typically are the breadwinners of their families, and working with these youth, isn’t just a responsibility to us, but a privilege. We are also constantly seeking out suitable sponsorship opportunities to train and give more young women employable crafting and entrepreneurship skills.

 Our founder, Ruby Buah, has also started a scholarship fund for her high school alma mater to support bright students in the visual arts programme.

 We believe giving back isn’t necessarily always to people and society, but to the environment. By using recycled glass beads and reusing quality repurposed leather, we play our role in taking care of this beautiful earth, on which we live and source our unique materials.